SlideModel Review


Is SlideModel worth it? Should I buy SlideModel? This SlideModel review will hopefully answer these questions and more. I planned for this to be a short review but it ended up longer than intended as there is so much to cover, feel free to skip parts based on the headings to get to what you … Read more

How to Add a GIF to PowerPoint

GIF for powerpoint

GIFs look really cool but they also look difficult to create – the truth is they are really easy to use in PowerPoint. Everyone expects PowerPoint presentations to be really professional and to have all the latest ideas and transitions but no one ever tells you how they create these impressive slides. One of the … Read more

What is a GIFs?

How to create a GIF

They are actually called a GIF which stands for Graphic Interchange Format and they are basically just image files, just like a JPEG or PNG and they also have no sound. The main difference is that they can be made into moving images so they can communicate a lot more than static images like JPEGs. … Read more

Creative PowerPoint Presentation Ideas

Creative PowerPoint Presentation Ideas

Are you looking for help to create a presentation? Don’t worry as it is easier than you think but you do need to put a bit of effort into it if you want to get good results. PowerPoint presentations are a fantastic tool for sharing information and motivating people into taking action, whether in the … Read more

Expert Slides Review

Free PowerPoint Presentation Design Templates

PowerPoint Presentation Design Templates are everywhere – but are they worth it? Find out in this Expert Slides Review A while ago I finally decided to see if they were as good as the hype suggested and if they were worth the money. I decided to start with Expert Slides as they are a Certified Microsoft 365 … Read more

Connect Laptop Projector Without VGA

How to connect your laptop to a projector without VGA – whenever I get asked this it usually means one of two things have gone wrong and the person asking the question is usually in panic mode. Whichever of the above situations you are in they can both leave you feeling really stressed out but … Read more

PowerPoint Presentation Shortcut Keys

Do you have a list of the best Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcut keys? I didn’t think so, most people that use PowerPoint only use a few of it’s functions and many people don’t know about the fantastic time saving range of shortcut keys that are built into all Microsoft Office tools. These shortcuts are particularly useful with … Read more

What is an Infographic Used For

We are bombarded by information at an amazing rate, from reading the news on apps to social media and presentations at work. Everyday it seems like the level of information we are subjected to is increasing and it is a constant battle to find ways to make it easier to absorb and understand. Businesses are … Read more

Infograpia Review


I was going to write a Pros and Cons style article for Infograpia but having spent some time using it I decided to just do a review instead, this is because in my opinion the only negative I can point out to using this software is that you have to pay for it. Even this isn’t … Read more

Present Data With StoryTelling

Present Data with Storytelling

Presentations that consist mainly of data are often dull and very hard to follow, I have personally seen audiences disengage within the first minute of a presentation starting and it is really hard to get them back once this happens. Luckily, I can tell you that it doesn’t have to be like that and if you have … Read more